When deciding what photo's and what to wear in them, my idea was pretty simple.. 'try and look like an indie rock band' & wear things that were abhorrent yet strangely worked... like one of my friends in my photos wore a tartan coloured t shirt (blue and red) with a fur coat... thinking about it, it shouldn't work, yet in context for my magazine it did. this photo (below) in the magazine was not in colour, i decided to use a greyscale filter in order to fit three separate photos together for my double page spread. all these photos are the ones I've used.
this photo was used as my main cover photo, the left one is the unedited version, the one on the right one was used as my main cover photo and the middle photo is my rough final magazine cover. the composition of this photo is one that many of bands and major magazines use, with the main singer.. in this case, me at the front looking blankly into the camera with the rest of the band in the back ground positioned so that they are still noticeable. Many magazines use this technique when taking photos as shown below.
these photo's are original photos i took and are within the magazine itself.
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